Category - Probate Real Estate Specialist John Erik Fraker

Probate Real Estate Specialist John Erik Fraker (925) 255-5010 is a Probate Expert who specializes in all real estate issues pertaining to Probate, Trust Administration or Estate Administration.  Probate Real Estate Specialist John Erik Fraker has over twenty years experience guiding families through all parts of the California Probate Process.

East Bay Probate Help™

Must a will actually be read out loud to the family by the personal representative or attorney?

A state law could possibly require this, but generally this is a movie scenario and not done in real life. Usually, the personal representative of...

Who can or should draft my will?

If you do not do it yourself (which is perfectly acceptable) only an attorney can legally draft a will for you. Be aware that personally drafted...

What happens if a will cannot be found?

Missing Wills raises all sorts of interesting legal issues which often turn on the specific facts and circumstances, and the law of the state in...

What happens if a person dies without leaving a will?

The laws of each state usually provide a “default will” for any person who dies without a will, which is referred to as “intestate”. The spouse and...

What if there is no will?

If a person dies without a Will (known as dying “intestate”), the probate court appoints a Personal Representative frequently called an...

When should I make a will?

The simple answer is immediately. Usually, death comes as a surprise to us all and no one is aware of their impending demise. Making a will...

Should a will provide a separate list that details and bequeaths specific personal property?

If this is allowable in the state in question, the benefit of doing so is that the list can be changed from time to time as opposed to changing or...

After a will is created, can it be modified?

Of course. The only real requirement is that the person making the will be competent to make the change. In the movies, you have probably heard this...

What are the actual requirements for a will to be valid?

While each state may impose additional or alternate requirements, in general, a valid will must be hand-written or printed and signed by the person...

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